10 Simple UX and UI Tricks to Use on Your Website
July 16, 2024
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UX and UI, or more precisely, User Experience and User Interface are the elements that can significantly improve the performance of your website. According to studies, well-designed UX may improve conversion rates up to 400% and respectively top-quality UI raises conversion rates up to 200%. Learn how to achieve that in this post.

1. Keep it simple

Remove everything that’s unnecessary. Make it easy for your clients to skim through the website. Don’t overburden them with irrelevant elements and keep the focus on what’s the most important.

2. Unity

Visual unity will prevent chaos on your website. Use the same color scheme for the same elements that relate to each other. The same goes for shapes! Don’t use too many, keep them similar and consistent.

3. Perceived performance

This is a technique that will make the users more patient while they wait for the web pages to load. It’s all about replacing typical blank loading pages with interesting and original visuals. It can be a logo, some text or anything related to your brand!

4. Loading time

Speaking of, the loading time shouldn’t be too long either, even if you keep your users entertained with a funny image while they’re waiting. If you keep them waiting for more than 3 seconds, 53% of them will leave the website. Make it short!

5. Mobile-friendly

As Google Analytics presents, more than 50% of web traffic comes from mobile devices. Knowing that, setting up a website that is mobile-friendly should be high on your list of priorities. One of the ways to do it is to allow one-click actions so that the users can use the web with one hand only.

6. Feedback

Listen to your users! They can give you information on issues you haven’t even thought of. At the end of the day, they are the people you created the website for.

7. Audit

Nevertheless, you don’t have to rely only on your users. You and your team should regularly check the website to ensure that everything is working properly. You may also come up with new ideas to improve the website while conducting the audit.

8. Whitespace

An easy way to improve your website is to arrange more whitespace! It keeps your website fresh, clear and easier to navigate through. However, it doesn’t mean that everything needs to be white. In fact, it can be any background color. It’s all about the space between the elements.

9. Content

Your website’s results rely heavily on its content. Besides the technical aspects, ensure the high quality of the writing and images. If the writing isn’t adapted to your users and the images are of low quality, this might lose you some clients.

10. Research your audience

You should know who your audience is and design the website accordingly. It’s going to be different based on your audience’s age, interests, gender expression and so on. Make sure it’s adapted to what your audience needs!

For more tips and tricks on how to improve your UX and UI, contact us! Our design studio will create the most practical and effective website for your company.
